Community Partners

We are proud of our partnerships within the communities we serve, the services they provide are vital to our students and their success!

Arbor Circle provides mental health, substance abuse treatment, and family services.

Barry County Courts - Family Division partners with Lighthouse Academy by providing youth with the opportunity to continue their education in an innovative way.

Bethany Christian Services is a family-centered nonprofit supporting children and families with world-class social services, all designed to help families thrive.

Butterball partners with Lighthouse Academy and provides an essential component of our Career Pathways programming for students. 

The Comprehensive Therapy Center offers services like speech, occupational, social emotional, and mental health to communities in West Michigan.

Ferris State University - Charter Schools Office serves as the Authorizer for Lighthouse Academy and provides unique opportunities for student's continuing education.

Hope Academy of West Michigan provides safe place for students to grow and achieve academic success. Students who are not eligible to enroll at Lighthouse Academy can still find a holistic and whole-child approach to their education here.

Integrity Educational Services is the Educational Services Provider for Lighthouse Academy and is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization.


Kent County Courts partner with Lighthouse Academy by providing youth with the opportunities to continue their education in an innovative way.

Kent ISD partners with schools and communities providing enhanced and equitable opportunities to enrich the experiences and achievements of our learners.

Michigan Rehabilitation Services provides vocational rehabilitation services for eligible individuals with disabilities, consistent with their unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice, to prepare for and engage in employment and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Muskegon County Court - Family Division partners with Lighthouse Academy by providing youth with the opportunities to continue their education in an innovative way.

Network180 serves adults, youth and families seeking help with mental health, substance use or intellectual & developmental disabilities.

Ottawa County Court - Juvenile Court partners with Lighthouse Academy by providing youth with the opportunities to continue their education in an innovative way.

Safe Haven serves all survivors of violence regardless of age, race, religion, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender expression, documentation status, disability status or socio-economic status.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports community-led efforts to ensure every child and family can thrive, with access to good health care, good food, good education, good jobs and equitable opportunities.

Wedgwood Christian Services serves children, teens, families, and adults through residential care, counseling services, and community programs.